Saturday, October 17, 2009

The 3 - October 17, 2009

This week's edition of "The 3" revisits the health care issue in light of an important Senate committee vote, provides an update on a Christian teen who fled her Muslim family, and shines the spotlight on a noted evangelist making yet another historic visit to an isolated, Communist country.

3 - Baucus bill approved, fails to pass faith-based, pro-family group muster

The Senate Finance Committee approved the most recent health care proposal by a 14-9 margin, setting up a showdown with various factions of the entire Senate, who must reconcile 2 health care bills, and the House, where 3 proposals have exited committees. Pro-life groups that have attempted over and over again to pass amendments plainly stating that abortion would not be funded by health care reform legislation continue to voice their opposition, and the overwhelming size of the undertaking, government control, and the prospect of rationing continue to be well-founded areas of concern. Liberty Counsel is one of many pro-family, faith-based groups that is part of a coalition attempting to support reform, but point out troublesome areas. Here is their latest press release on the matter.

2 - Teen Muslim convert sent back to Ohio

Rifqa Bary is a 17-year Sri Lankan girl who was raised Muslim, but converted to Christianity. Fearing that she would be the victim of an "honor killing", she fled to the state of Florida. Up until this week, she had lived with a foster family, but now the focus shifts to the state where her parents live, in Ohio. The Christian Post has a good synopsis of this very confusing case.

The website has a chronological account of the developments in the case.

1 - Franklin Graham returns to North Korea

Franklin Graham, son of evangelist Billy Graham and head of Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, recently concluded another visit to the isolated, Communist, and vitriolic nation of North Korea. In a time where this nation is stirring up international tensions, it has to be beneficial for diplomacy for Franklin to visit North Korea and meet with key leaders. Dan Wooding's ASSIST News Service has a summary.

Franklin Graham also visited China, and for more insight into his Asian tour, you can visit

Honorable Mention:
No. Georgia school board supports super's decision to ban Scripture banners from football games

Scrutiny of Camp David chaplain in light of Obama's attendance

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