Sunday, September 29, 2024

The 3 - September 29, 2024

This week's edition of The 3, featuring three stories of relevance to the Christian community, includes news of a recent letter sent by just under a-third of the nation's state attorneys general chiding a large organization of pediatricians for its support of gender-change treatments and surgeries.  Plus, an American pastor who was doing ministry in China in the 1990's, when he was imprisoned and received a life sentence has been released and is back on American soil.  And, a survey by a leading pro-life organization shows that out of over 700 Christian colleges and universities surveyed, over a-tenth of them have a relationship with Planned Parenthood.

Attorneys general call out pediatricians prescribing puberty blockers

Across the nation, state legislatures have been passing laws to curb the proliferation of treatments and procedures that offer a false promise of enabling a minor child to change his or her gender.  Now, a consortium of attorneys general has called on the American Association of Pediatrics to stop its promotions of these therapies, "including puberty blockers and surgeries."

That's according to a report that "Idaho Attorney General Raúl Labrador sent a the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) accusing the organization of abandoning 'its commitment to sound medical judgment.'"

The letter stated, "That halt on what is fairly described as medical experimentation on children is long overdue – particularly since the majority of children initially diagnosed with gender dysphoria desist and 'grow out' of the condition by the time they are adolescents or adults..."

Labrador was joined by the AG's of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and over a dozen other states in signing the letter.

Pastor imprisoned in China since 2009 freed

The hostility of the Chinese government toward the Christian faith is quite tangible and of great concern.  And, in the case of pastor David Lin, that was extended toward an American who was imprisoned for sharing his faith.

...Lin had frequently traveled to China in the 1990s to spread the gospel, according to China Aid, a U.S.-based advocacy group for persecuted activists in China.

Chinese authorities questioned Lin in 2006, while he was building a Christian training center in Beijing that the regime did not approve. In China, all Christian churches must pledge loyalty to the ruling Communist Party or face punishment.

Lin denied all wrongdoing but was still sentenced to life in prison on fraud charges in 2009, a method that's frequently deployed against leaders of churches that operate outside the regime's parameters.
As the article reports, Lin was freed recently from his imprisonment. CBN quotes from a text from Lin's daughter to Bob Fu of China Aid, who was described as a "longtime supporter." The text said: "Praise God! We got the call late last night!!! Dad is free and over Alaska now..."

Over 80 "Christian" colleges have connections with nation's largest abortion provider

One would think that an institution of higher learning that claims to be "Christian" in nature would not have a relationship with an organization that supports and participates in the taking of human life in the womb.  But, as Live Action reports:

A recent report from Students for Life of America (SFLA) revealed that 83 Christian colleges and universities across the United States have ties to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s leading abortion provider.

The investigation by SFLA’s Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement examined 732 Christian-affiliated institutions for the fourth year in a row for any connections to abortion services, including listing Planned Parenthood as a health resource, promoting its events on campus, and advertising the abortion corporation’s volunteer, internship, or career opportunities.

The article relates: "SFLA President Kristan Hawkins urged on her X account, 'We must demand these institutions sever all connections with abortion providers immediately and fully commit to the pro-life values they were founded on...'"  Live Action says that: "According to the study, schools were graded from A+ to F based on their level of affiliation with abortion services. An 'F' grade is assigned to institutions with four or more infractions."

The study also found that "65 professors at Christian schools have connections to the abortion industry through events or publications, and 14 of those professors have been directly affiliated with abortion industry leaders like Planned Parenthood through previous employment or board positions."

But, there is good news out of the survey.  Live Action reports that out of over 700 schools which were surveyed...

...58 institutions earned an “A+” for having no infractions and actively supporting pro-life alternatives, such as local pregnancy resource centers—a 32% increase compared to 2023. Another 591 schools received an “A” for either having no infractions or cutting ties with Planned Parenthood after being notified by SFLA.

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