Friday, June 05, 2009

The 3 - June 5, 2009

This week’s “The 3” focuses on a religious liberties situation, a Presidential proclamation, and a tragic death that garnered response in the pro-life community.

#3 - San Diego Pastor exonerated

Perhaps you heard the story of Pastor David Jones from San Diego. Seems he and his wife have conducted a Bible study in their home for a number of years. Recently, a county authority came to his door, asked some questions about the meeting they were having, and told the Jones they would have to have a costly permit to conduct future studies in their home. This resulted in an outcry by a number of concerned citizens, and the chief administrator of the county rescinded the order, and issued an apology earlier this week.

Just what set off the initial contact is a subject of debate. Perhaps it was a complaint about a parking problem resulting from the study meeting in the neighborhood. It may have even been a small accident, which resulted in some damage, which the pastor said he paid for. Nevertheless, because it was apparently framed as an issue involving a “religious meeting”, it became a religious liberties issue. But at this point, all seems resolved.

Click here for a summary article about this incident.

#2 - Evangelical leaders respond to President’s proclamation of LGBT month

A proclamation issued earlier this week by President Obama seeks to recognize the rights of not only lesbians and gays, as President Clinton’s orders had done, but also to include bisexuals and transgender individuals. This has brought concern from a number of evangelical leaders. The proclamation features a laundry list of issues important to the gay community, including rescinding the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy on gays in the military, emphasizing support for civil unions, and assorted “equal rights” initiatives.

For more information and response, click here.

#1 - Pro-life response to abortionist’s death

He was a noted abortionist, offering late-term abortions in his Wichita clinic. But pro-life leaders stressed this week that the taking of a life is not an acceptable course of action toward those who perform abortions, condemning the murder of George Tiller, who was shot in the foyer of his church. Even though there were those in the pro-abortion movement who sought to link Tiller’s death with the vocal criticism he has received, nevertheless pro-life leaders were united in their strong condemnation of the acts of the murderer. Scott Roeder, who is apparently not affiliated with any pro-life group, is charged with Tiller’s death.

For a summary of some pro-life reaction, click here. To read comments from Dr. James Dobson, click here.

Honorable mention this week includes:
Thousands come to hear Franklin Graham in his crusade in Estonia.
President Obama reaches out to the Muslim world.
Pop culture watch: Stephen Baldwin goes on NBC series on behalf of organization combating trafficking.
Stryper band member and former prostitute hear wedding bells.

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